Clearing Heart Walls & Hidden Blocks Session:
30 minute session: $175 Regular Price, Limited time offer $130
One hour session: $275 Regular Price, Limited time offer $230
A lot of light workers and healers are having issues connecting in with their heart spaces. They have lived so many past lives helping others and then been killed for being different. You are now having issues connecting with your heart space. Your mind tries to control you by bringing in the old programs of fear, worry, depression, anger, or resentment for what happened in past realities of YOU. I clear all those old insecurities of being ridiculed, abandoned, and feeling left out. I clear all energy blockages in your heart space and show you how freeing it is to have an open heart. When you finally let go you can connect to the Higher Realms, Masters, Angels, and Star Beings with your new open heart portal. Come with me and Play in these Higher Realms with your ancient friends who are waiting for you to remember your HEART POWER once again.
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**Here’s the link to schedule all 30 min private healing one on one sessions with me**
**Here’s the link to schedule all one hour private healing one on one sessions with me**
Marie “Clearing Ancestral Patterns old energy released”
Iona Flores is a very caring and empowering person to share space with, and a magnificent Healer. It is very appropriate that we met on such an auspicious date, a date that signifies FREEDOM and DECLARATIONS of letting go of what is not working.
I asked for assistance in clearing a very dense and negative ancestral pattern of anger that is not only in the members of my family, but also one that has been with me for many lives. And, this being very HEAVY stuff (and something I’ve been working on clearing for a long time), Iona Flores brought plenty of support, including Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Avalokiteshvara, Buddha, Jesus, and the Celestial Light Beings, the Pleidians and Lemurians!
Together with these Masters, Iona worked to clear out this ancient emotional programming and dysfunctional family baggage that has been plaguing me and my loved ones for generations. She brought in new light frequencies of LOVE to help support me in my personal healing mission. I have seen multiple generations of my family being burdened with this relationship pain, and it has been crippling for all of us.
In the days and weeks following our powerful time together, I have noticed a big shift towards peace internally, which I mainly perceive to be my return to my natural state of neutrality and non-judgement. This is HUGE! And, being able to maintain a tighter affinity with peace and calm, despite all the dramatic energetic downpours in the month of July, is some kind of a miracle. I was able to release those blocks in my heart chakra and hidden blocks I wasn’t even aware of. I am now much, much closer to becoming the kind role model for my daughter that I hope to be, and relieve her and future generations from having to ever go through dysfunctional family relationships ever again!
Iona pointed out that in order for me to heal completely, I need to fully love myself first. Thank you, Iona, for creating the space for me to better love myself and others. I am genuinely grateful.