DNA Star Attuenment:
30 minute session: $175 Regular Price, Limited time offer $130
One hour session: $275 Regular Price, Limited time offer $230
After you receive your first DNA Star Activation you can receive upgrades afterwards. A lot of us Light workers and Healers are all vibrating at different frequencies. This DNA Star attunement raises your energy field so you can hold higher frequencies of light energy. Every time you receive another DNA Star Atunement I am peeling off old layers of dense energies so you can hold higher frequencies of Divine Love and Light. You will be vibrating like a Master. Radiating from the inside out. Smiling from your eyes for the whole world to see your radiance shine forth.
**After clicking on the link it will direct you to pay via PayPal with a debit card or Stripe where you can pay with a credit card.**
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**Here’s the link to schedule all 30 min private healing one on one sessions with me**
**Here’s the link to schedule all one hour private healing one on one sessions with me**
“Sense of remembered purpose of why I’m here”
I have been blessed to work with Iona over the past few years. Her connection to her purpose as a healer and light worker is incredible. I consistently feel at peace with a sense of remembered purpose after working with her. During my recent activation appointment, I noted it was 2:22 in my time zone. As I asked to call in knowledge of that which I have used and known for healing in other life times, I felt an intense and comforting electric and warming sensation start in my root chakra and emanate throughout my entire body. It was by far the most intense and longest lasting sensation of this type I have had. I also experienced a new presence and visual sensation. I was aware that I was in an intricate and beautiful pink web as I was activated. The energy behind this light provided the sensation of a gentle head massage – which was wonderful as I have been struggling with headaches during recent ascension preparations. When we finished our time, Iona noted that it was 2:22 in her time zone! I adore these reminders of alignment – they fill me with deep gratitude.