I was in a long term relationship for sixteen years. From the outside my life looked perfect. I was married with two children, had a house, car, and a great job. I had all the material possessions I needed but was still unhappy inside. I knew my life could be better. I thought to myself if I created this life why can't I create a new one? So I started talking to the Universe and getting out of my mind that kept trying to keep me stuck. It would say you can't be successful doing what you love? That's impossible? Your not good enough. Your not worthy. No one is going to come to you for help. Have you heard this with your mind that isn't kind one bit. That inner critic that keeps you down and feeling like crap. Well guess what I can help you clear all those old programs that keep you stuck in poverty consciousness, lack, fear, worry, depression, anxiety, anger, and resentment. Trust me I've been there and done that. I used to complain all the time. I was a victim. Everything always happens to me. I would always have something to whine about and guess what I couldn't stand my life one bit anymore. So I got out of my own way and surrendered to GOD. I said if you want me to serve and help others than I need your help. I let GO and I let GOD start rearranging my life all the puzzle pieces started to fall back into place. I finally started to trust in the Universe.
I decided to start doing things differently and the first thing I did was stop complaining because it was such a low frequency. I started to do things that I loved to do like reading, painting, going to spiritual classes, meeting like minded souls, eating better, taking care of my body, stopped drinking, looking in the mirror and saying how much I really love myself and at first it was hard but trust me the more you do it, the more you say kind words to your mind, body, and soul, you start to change, you now see your inner glow radiating out further, you now can see a smile on your face, you now look at your vessel differently, you now take care of yourself because you are returning to LOVE. You are learning how to fall in love with yourself again. Think about it when you were a young kid you loved yourself but as you got older you started to try to people please, try to fit in, worried about what everyone thought of you, then you lost your true essence, you lost your inner glow, you shut down who you were to try to be someone else who wasn't even you. I started to ask questions to the Universe and GOD. How can I use my GOD given gifts to share with the world doing a job I love to do? Why am I here? What is my purpose? I was now listening to what my heart wanted and that was self love. To follow my passions and use my God given gifts to help others who were also feeling the way I did. I was not in tune with my body or my sensuality. I wasn’t happy because I wasn’t living to my full potential that I knew was possible for me.
GOD, the Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, Star Beings, and Magical Creatures always believed in me. I'm the one who lost my way home but then I found myself again once I tapped into my inner knowledge. I always had my gifts within me I just shut them off to try to be someone I wasn't but once I accepted my uniqueness and didn't care what others thought of me my life has been soaring to new heights. I am here to tell you Light workers and Healers you are different and stand out because you are supposed to. The more you shine your LIGHT the brighter the WORLD becomes. You are here to make a huge impact on Earth and I am here to help guide you along the way and show you what I see in you. What your Angels see in you. What the Star Beings know is within your DNA waiting for you to remember why you are here and why your soul chose to come at this time of great awakening. You are waking up to your GOD given gifts and your birthright. You are not supposed to be living in struggle, lack, or fear. You are supposed to be living in happiness, joy, laughter, and pure bliss. I know what you are capable of and I can reconnect you to your Higher Self wisdom once again so you can stand in your power, stand in your light, and stand in your true brilliance of your Divine LIGHT. Take that leap of faith, take that first step to the rest of your new life in the new energies that are all possible to create your new life full of prosperity, happiness, a sense of purpose, fulfillment, wonder, excitement, and true appreciation of your GIFTS that are so needed right now. Namaste SWEET OLD SOULS. I love you with all my open heart. "What you visualize will materialize."